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9 Reasons Why You Should Definitely Watch FMAB (Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood)

Not much time in your hand?
Much to do and much to watch but can't decide on a good show?
Want to watch quality show that won't waste your time?

Then you should definitely watch Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and here is 9 reason why,

1. Brotherhood:

Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
full alchemist

The brotherhood, the bond between Elric brothers- it's just amazingly showed in Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood. The way, Edward and Alphonse overcome all the ups and downs, sticking around together- it's really magnificent to watch. After losing their Bodies in that alchemical accident that happened at the beginning of the show, they had to go through lots of troubles. The scene, where Ed attach his brother's soul to the armor suit and later, where El tells him the list of what he's going to eat after getting his body back, those will really touch your heart. 

And not to mention, the show is named as "brotherhood" itself promoting the bond between these two brothers.

2. Deep Message:

Fullmetal alchemist World of anime
Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood

There are a bunch of very deep messages that you'll get in this show.The anime will show you what does 'war' means. No matter what is the reason behind the war that you're battling for, doesn't define your murder.
As the lieutenant said that war brings only corpse, you either kill or be killed- someone have to die.
But, there is some other point of view that you'll see in this. The soldiers who kill the innocent are nothing but a pawn of the higher authority. They're human too. But, they're just abiding by the orders they're given.

3. Plot:

pride fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
Pride fullmetal alchemist brotherhood

Basically this show is plotted on the concept of the "7 Deadly Sins" from the Bible.
Pride, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, Lust, Greed, Sloth- based on these Deadly sins, the main story has been written. The anime shows some metaphorical answer for some question that you'd never ask anyone.  This unique plot borrowed from the Bible gives it a strong basement.

4. Amazing Storytelling:

The storytelling of FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood (FMAB) is pretty amazing. It knows when and how exactly the minor emotional attachment, facts between the characters going to effect the viewers most. For Spoiler issues no example is given.
So, the thing is- FMAB knows perfectly what the story is and how they're going to present that to everyone.

5. Decent Animation:

Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
Brotherhood adaptation of the manga has got a decent animation work. The entire 'alchemy thing'- the action scenes got intense in times with the animation work of this level. You definitely will enjoy the actions because of that.
The animation of a show depends greatly on the artwork. And FMAB got that nicely done.

6. Flawless:

edward elric proposal
Edward Elric proposal

It's a saying that, "Nothing is perfect". However, Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood is the only anime that went near 'perfect'. In every way, FMAB is undoubtedly the best anime show till now.
In the whole 64 episode-show, you'll hardly find any errors. I’m not saying that, the show is completely flawless. But, the faults are not noticeable easily.

7. Soothing Background Music:

There are countless Op, End and OST out there that will make you crazy to hear it over and over. But, very few show got the exactly suitable, soothe music.
Well, the background music of Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood are one of them. You might not be amazed just by hearing the audio clips, but the music really makes all the touchy, hilarious, action scenes much more enjoyable. If you have already seen it, you'd know what I'm talking about.

8. Some Remarkable Quotes:

the alchemist quotes
the alchemist quotes

One of the things that make a show rich is the strength of the quotes/ dialogues. To let you know that, you will find some great quotes/dialogues by Edward, Feudal Lord, Roy mustang, Greed. You'll also find some extraordinary moral/ ethical speech at the last 2 or 3 episodes.
Though I wanted to mention a few quoted from there very badly. But, it may express the personality of some character before you begin the show. So, I am not stating any of them. If you still searching for a few to boost up your interest, you'll find it on Google, trust me.

9. Realistic:

Fullmetal alchemist brotherhoodAs, we all know, Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood is a Shounen anime. But, it doesn't walk on the same path of the typical shounens. You will find the main character- Edward Elric never screams (like 'Bankai') and got his power surpassed his opponents. Like I said, it never happens, that way.
Edward got his ass kicked, countless time and got frightened as well, in times. Sometimes his little brother had to come forward and save him. Each time they found their back on the wall; they turn around and try to find a realistic way to solve the problem.

Full metal alchemist brotherhood is one of the best (if not the best) show out there. You will definitely regret if you decide not to watch this masterpiece. So, it’s a highly recommended show for all!
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