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Kira Is Justice! Truth or Lie? Secrets behind Death Note!!

Light Yagami or Yagami Light was an ordinary student in Japan. He is quite brilliant, hardworking and a talented guy. He is a natural genius. He dresses formally and studies hard just like a role model student would. But his life was pretty boring. You know just eat, sleep, school, homework, study etc etc. There is nothing notable or significant in this kind of life. But that all ends one day.

Qrio The Curious Shop Kira is Justice Tee Shirt
Kira is JUSTUCE or Not?

One day a Shinigami or Death God decides to through a Death Note into the human world.

The scenario kinda goes like this -

Hmm, I have a spare Death Note. What'll happen if it falls on the human world? I wonder!
Eh what the heck. Let's just through one in the human world and see what happens!
Then The Shinigami named Ryuk let his spare Death Note fall on the human world.
Now you may ask - What's a Death Note?

Death Note is actually an ordinary looking note book. It's a note book which holds death for the one whose name will be written in the note book.

Normally if someones name is written in Death Note, the victim will die within 40 seconds. But wait, it gets even better. You can even determine the cause of death. Neat eh?

Death Note is a note book with black cover which has "Death Note" written on it's front cover. Some rules are written at the back cover of the notebook.

Originally Death Note do not have rules written at the back. Ryuk written the basic rules so that if anyone finds the notebook then he will be able to use it.
Of course Ryuk the shinigami didn’t write all the rules for using Death Note. He only wrote the basic ones so that the user can use it for killing people. This will make things interesting cause you know, Ryuk was leading a pretty boring life as well. If you can call it life of course!

The Death Note fell on the school yard where Light goes. When it fell down, Light Yagami caught a glimpse of it. He got curious because you don’t see note books falling from the sky everyday do you?
So after class he went to the school yard and pick up the legendary notebook called “DEATH NOTE”.
And thus the fate of the world changed forever.

When Light realized what he has and what can it really do he got berserk. He started experimenting with the notebook like crazy. He also met ryuk. Only the one who touched the Death Note can see a death god. So only light was able to see ryuk. Ryuk didn’t fully cooperate with light. For example, he didn’t explain all the rules for using the notebook to light. But light is a natural genius. He figured out many of the rules of his own from his crazy experiments. Experiment with death note of course means killing people. Light started killing people left and right. It’s a good thing that the people are only criminal. Of course it doesn’t explain his right to kill people at all. I mean who is Light Yagami to judge people and sent his judgment towards them?
Folks, I’m going to reveal one of the greatest secrets in the history of histories.
I’m gonna tell you about the true identity of Light Yagami!
Light Yagami is actually a GOD! At least he wants to be the god of the new era of humans.
You heard it right. Or in this case read it right.
Light Yagami is a lunatic who thinks that he can become a god, cause he can kill people with a freaking notebook by writing their name on it.
By the way do you know what Yagami truly means?
If you put Yagami on backwords then it spells – I am a GAY!
Yes folks all this time light Yagami was screaming to the public for recognition that he is a gay.
In fact Light is actually a devil disguised as a human being.
Why he is a devil you ask?
The fact that in the 2nd episode he said something about his family.
He said that if they found out about the death note then it would be a problem.
He would have to kill them then.
Yes he said that.
Most of the Light worshipers tend to forget this. Or they just ignored in the light of light's brilliance.
Oh man he is so smart and he is the protagonist of this anime. He must be a god! Any evil he does is for the greater good. And killing ones family obviously is the best way for greater good. I mean, look at the sacrifice he is doing. Although Light Never shown any remorse or sense of loss while he talks about sacrificing or killing any of his family members. He was even happy when his father died or rather got killed not knowing his son’s dirty secret.
Light was prepared to kill his own little sister to save his own hide. He even used Misa Amane like trash who loved Light like crazy. Another woman who liked Light and worshiped kira is Kiyomi Takada. But Kira or Light just burned her to death so that no one knows the great secret.
By the way do you know what Kira is? Kira actually means killer. But Japanese people are so good in English pronunciation that they transformed the word Killer into KIRA. Some started to follow and worship kira. “Kira is Justice” that’s what they believed. But is Kira really Justice?
Or he is not justice while appearing as justice for some?
I on the other hand believe that – Kira is not JUSTICE

Although I am not a Kira supporter and rather an L supporter I still designed this Death Note tee shirt based on Kira and Ryuk.
Why you ask?
Well because there is a lot of Kira supporter out there!
Can you believe it?
They support a murderer who thinks himself fit to be the god of human kind.
He thinks that coz he can kill people he should in however way he wishes whenever he wishes!
That’s why I had to put so much effort into designing this.
It took me seven whole days to make this Kira is Justice design.
But do you wanna know something funny?
I actually wrote Kira is not Justice inside the design! ;)
Neat huh?
But I learned something new after designing this. I came to know that it contains too much detail. This can be a good Death Note Tee shirt design if it were in a showroom or a shop. But because I has too much detail, it doesn’t look much attractive online.
So with that lesson learned I shall create more straight-forward designs from now on.
I originally created this design for tee shirt, but since redbubble has many other products like mug, laptop skin, phone cover and different other clothing it was even better.
Qrio The Curious Shop Kira is Justice Graphic Tee Shirt
Kira is Justice Graphic Tee Shirt


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